Do All Estates Need A Probate?

Do All Estates Need A Probate?

If a descendant leaves a will directing to whom his property must be left or distributes it before his death, then the probate court will decide if it should be given proper effect. Nevertheless, if the descendant leaves no will behind, then the court will appoint a Personal Representative in order to distribute the property […]

Unlocking the Mysteries of Probate: Your Top Questions Answered!

Frequently Asked Questions About Probate

When an individual passes away, it is common for their estate to go through the probate process in court. This is where the deceased’s assets are transferred to the rightful heirs. The validation of a will is done through a probate procedure, with the executor responsible for dividing the assets and transferring them to the […]

Can An Executor Handle Probate On His/Her Own

Can An Executor Handle Probate On His/Her Own

We cannot avoid death; it is part of our life cycle. When a person dies the decedents, estate undergoes distribution among the heirs. The probate court oversees the partitioning of assets. To help the court distribute, someone needs to stand-in as an agent for the estate. The term executor defines this person He / She […]